Institutional Investment Management

We offer an innovative investment platform that gives institutional clients convenient access to professionally managed, fully bespoke investment portfolios.  Our platform provides access to some of the world’s leading investment managers, backed by RBC’s proven investment discipline.

With most institutional investment offerings, clients are fit to the program. However, with our institutional investment offering, the program is fit to our clients.  Portfolios are individually crafted based on a clients unique needs for capital growth, investment income and asset preservation. Then, portfolios are professionally managed within strict parameters, freeing our clients to focus on other important priorities with confidence.


Our platform provides:

  • The expertise of leading independent asset management firms, carefully assessed through in-depth research, and brought together in a coordinated, customized portfolio
  • The latest portfolio management technology that brings together multiple asset managers into a single, unified portfolio with consolidated reporting and synchronized asset allocation
  • A proven investment discipline that ensures your portfolio is set, monitored and rebalanced according to your specific investment guidelines